Mark Harmon Retires after 30 Years. Congratulations on your retirement Mark! 30-plus years is a long time, especially since most of those years were spent toiling away under difficult time and budget constraints, and in poor working conditions--and that was just on your farm!
For many of us, your career has been a model to follow. Your remarkable contributions and unselfish commitment to Tyson Foods and to the Shelbyville Complex will set the standard for those that follow for many years to come.
You can leave knowing that you have touched the lives of your colleagues in immeasurable ways. Your leadership combined gifts of wisdom, fairness and control that has meant that our jobs have been far easier than they should have been, and we know we did not show our appreciation or offer our thanks often enough.
You have seen so much change in the life of this company, and been such an integral part of it all that it is extremely hard to envision it without you. We will all be sad to see you go, even as we envy your new life in the lap of leisure.
Retirement will be an adjustment but I rest assured in the knowledge that in your indomitable way you will treat it as just another opportunity to grab by the horns and throw a rope on.
It has been my distinct honor and privilege to have worked with you for 11 of the last 30 years Mark. Your commitment to excellence has left a lasting mark on each of us. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for touching our lives in such a positive and meaningful way.
You have been so much more than a colleague and I am proud to call you my friend.
It has been said that an honest answer is the sign of true friendship.
I could always count on you for an honest answer.
Warmest regards,